
Optimization Summits 2011 Was Awesome #OptSum

It was a whirlwind of two days of spectacular nerd marketing content but it was extremely gratifying. Day 2 started out the UnMarketing master himself Scott Stratten. His message both online and at his session was very clear. Just be awesome!  Stop being boring.  Don’t be a logo just be a person who is awesome.  It was a great message and a reminder.  Fundamentally I want to say that his message in the morning and Geno Church’s workshop in the afternoon were at the very least inspiring. It’s affect on me was compelling.

As many of you may have known based on a previous post, this year has been challenging, particularly in the last few months.  However, this conference was part of the package and the icing on the cake that I really needed. It’s called validation. Even though business is extremely successful for The Training Factor, I am one of those peeps who are willing to step back every now and then and take in the view. By the end of the day, I was asking myself. Am I doing something awesome? Am I figuratively touching people? Am I making a difference? Those were my thought provoking questions that I came away with.  Questions are good.  Questions keep you humble.  Questions keep you thinking forward and seeking more.

With those questions in mind, I plan on doing some serious comparisons for 2010 and 2011 in preparation for 2012. It’s hard to imagine that it will be almost three years that I am in my new career. That is certainly a whirlwind. Through it all there have been many many people that have made the difference for me. My online community has transcended itself into many offline cases where deep seeded relationships have taken place. That in itself is awesome. My community is what makes me tick.  It is the root. From those roots, many many awesome things have taken place. With my own questions in mind, my brain and heart will be taking some time to find more awesome.

I have not missed an Optimization Summits yet. Each one has taught many personal and business lessons.  That is awesome.  I had the opportunity to have my first national speaking opportunity at this event.  A slideshow summary is below.  I will admit I was a bit nervous but at the same time, I was able to speak about something that I am extremely passionate about.  Just another awesome moment that I will treasure always.  I would love to hear your feedback overall.  What comes to your mind when you vocalize the word awesome?