
Almost 10 Tips to Indicate You Are a Twitter Addict


If you don’t have a sense of humor then you probably should not be on this post.  If you do have a sense of humor, then thank you for not being too serious about social media. Twitter to me is such a powerful tool that has led me to new relationships from one end of this planet to the other. The chats that I get involved in when I have time have helped me draw closer to people and to learn so much about myself and how I can improve in daily business. Some of my favorite chats are #blogchat, #aptchat, and #leadershipchat.  There are numerous others you can check out in this Twitter Chat Schedule by @swanwick. (Update – Document no longer available) 

I continue to be a major fan of Twitter which hence led me to make this list of tips below.  Most of these I have done so it was pretty easyTwitter addict to write. I got to tip number nine then I drew a blank.  What can you add to today’s fun little list?

Top Almost Ten Tips You Know You are a Twitter Addict

  1. You end literal vocal conversations by saying pound sign (subject)
  2. Your kids routinely say to you: Mom (Dad) are you going to tweet that?
  3. You get a real exciting email and your reply back is RT.
  4. Your perspective on actual birds has drastically changed.
  5. When you meet folks at a conference you address them with @_____ instead of their actual name.
  6. You send your spouse a DM while both of you are in the house to help you with something.
  7. When a TV commercial says ‘Find us on Twitter’ and you obey immediately.
  8. When you open Tweetdeck or Hootsuite even before checking your email account.
  9. People will email, call and text you and hardly ever hear back, but if they Tweet you there is only a two-second response delay.
  10. 10. Please help me get past 9 tips by sharing in the comment section below!

Thanks for being here today!

15 thoughts on “Almost 10 Tips to Indicate You Are a Twitter Addict”

    1. I have felt that need! Today I sat taking frantic notes and thinking of all the things I could repost on FB or Tweet about!

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Almost 10 Tips to Indicate You Are a Twitter Addict | Socius --

    1. too funny! How about for Twitter chats..tweetdeck…tweetchat..tweetgrid running at the same time with twin monitors running 🙂 Hope you had a nice weekend Bill. Thanks for the comment.

  2. I have done number 5. I get so used to seeing some people’s Twitter name so often I forget their real name on occasion.

    1. Glad I am not the only one 🙂 My Twitter button is the little blue bird in the top left corner with my latest tweet. If it does not work please let me know. I just checked it and it seems to be ok. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  3. I’m planning on attending a couple of blog conferences this year, and will have to remember to introduce myself as my blog/Twitter name as noone will know who the heck Gillian is!! cheers!

    1. Its quite comical.. you will love it. It’s humorous to be known in the flesh and in digital by unique names. Thanks Gillian for your thoughts and enjoy your conferences!

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