I ponder so much on what takes us so long sometimes to make decisions for our business. We calculate, analyze, decipher, survey and take many other steps all in the eventual process of trying to come to a realistic decision. Then we hesitate. We go back to the drawing boards and we redo everything we just spend weeks and maybe months working on. We hesitate again. Why?
It strikes at the very heart of being human in a crazy world. We fear for our jobs, our families and for our self. Will I succeed? Will this decision be the right one? Is my data sound? Yes we are uncertain. There are some of us where some decisions come easier than others but when we analyze the stress versus the happy factors of our workday, what usually wins? It can’t be denied. It’s a reality. Whether we do it to ourselves or are impacted by others, we face uncertainties.
Digging deep inside of ourselves to find the true leader we have can be a daunting task each day. Especially when it seems that you are busy encouraging yourself way more than you are being encouraged by the team around you. I have a great team that I work with and could never speak highly enough of them and so count that blessing if you have the same atmosphere. However, what do you with your own self? Even though I have nothing against expressions that redirect people from trying and focus on doing, there are times when many nudging is much kinder and can produce even better results in our self and in those who we notice are having challenges. Yes, there are days when we nudge our self and maybe those around us.
This may go against every grain of what it takes to be a success story in most people’s minds but all too often I have watched professionals have their own spirits crushed over the inability that day to get what they need accomplished because of their uncertainties. As leaders I feel it is so important to be able to discern the good days and the bad in our team. Why? Because we all have them no matter whom we are and no matter how long we have been in the work field. We cannot get past our uncertainties, but we can overcome them and learn from them. When someone you know is having an uncertain day, give them that reassuring smile and that one sentence they need to get past it. We may need the same tomorrow.