My son and I had an interesting conversation about precalculus this weekend. It was a conversation I am sure every parent has had in some way. The question was: How will this ever help me in real life? My answer was standard but at the same time, it was another moment to look at how I applied my own advice and how it translates to the work environment today.
The advice is standard. It has nothing to do with the math itself but the opportunity to accept a challenge, even one that you dislike and turn it into a success. If we went through school without accepting those challenges then the same pattern would typically follow us through our career path.
After reminding my son of these concepts it was now my turn to reflect on how I accept challenges. I will be honest I never took pre-calculus. My focus was more on other subjects but I do remember asking my math teacher the same question and she had no trouble giving me the scientific answer on how developing the ability to solve difficult concepts would affect my brains development. Point taken.
Now here I am approaching my 40’s and I look at the career challenges that are before me and before all of us constantly. What method do we approach our challenges each day? The precalculus approach or the 2+2? That can be a bit soul searching. Do we look for the easiest way to approach a task just to get it done? Or do we accept personal or team challenges that may be daunting with the goal in mind of I must accomplish…I must prevail?
When it comes to marketing in particular we still see many who opt for the 2+2 method. It’s easy…it’s simple…just pop some banners and bulletins out and that should work. Phew!! My marketing job is done now. Guess what. That is just not a reality. You can’t even reinvent 2+2 folks. Marketing is just one of the many tasks that have become much more complex. The question is are we ready for the challenge?
Written by Jonathan Saar
I think this is – in part – a question of time. I know when I am crushed for time – I employ more 2+2. When I am not competing with time – I love to dig deep and unravel things.
I agree. Time is a commodity! I think you and I share a common overall approach even with that factor. The easy way is not the first way we approach anything in life. Taking any moment we have and challenging will always bring about a higher yield than just 2+2. Thank you sir for taking the time to comment.