social media time management

Social Media Time Management

social media time management

How To Manage Your Time Using Social Media

Plain and simple it is not easy.  I have been involved in social media community management for over six years now and it is still a discipline I have to work on. I can compare managing a social media community to being in the center of a group and having six people talk to me at once.

In most cultures that would be considered rude because those are called interruptions. When I was little my parents would always simply say: “Wait your turn.” Not only from a manners perspective but from an organizational perspective this has always been crucial.

It really is no different for social media community managers.  You have to give each medium its turn. Don’t allow them to all talk to you at once and do not allow them to interfere with other projects you have going on.  Multitasking does not work.  Believe me, I have tried and it is a tough habit to break.

So have a beet and kale smoothie.  Keep the open page tabs to a minimum.  Keep that brain focused on one project at a time and see it through until completion.  Rule your conversations. Don’t let them rule you.