
Social Media Insecurities Final Chapter-Bullies


Through all the great moments of social media, there have definitely been some dark ones.  I am speaking directly to the personal attacks rather than the corporate ones. Corporate blunders we have come to expect, but when it gets personal that is when I feel it’s really ugly.

Through the course of this year, I witnessed some really ugly bashing of people that I really have come to respect.  You do a good deed, you share an opinion, and you reveal some stats regarding a particular project and then boom!!- Some moron who is into evil social media starts ranting and raving.  A huge conglomerate of evil comments and ensues and I really can’t help but wonder how the person feels who is being attacked.

First of all my heart goes out to my friends this year who have had to deal with this.  I am pretty sure I have told you all off the record how much I was upset. If I haven’t or you forgot, this is my public declaration.  On the other hand, I have also given much thought to the readers who were passing through and did not comment.  I had a friend state to me one time that they would not comment on a blog out of fear of what others would say.  After witnessing some really cruel bashing this year I cannot say I blame them.

Here is my transparent message.  The online social world has its bullies just like we all witnessed in grade school.  Remember that bullies are insecure jack wagons (Geico quote) who are out for their moment of fame and fanfare but who really contribute very little to the overall community.  Bullies were feared in school until someone stood up to them.  Once someone does, they typically slither away or look for another person to victimize.  Witnessing this bull snaggle can be very upsetting and it may make you shy away from contributing towards someone’s wonderful post.  Don’t let it!!!

This is my reality check post.  The moron bullies will be there but the ratio of wonderful socius folks to the evil social media dark lords is huge. And I mean on the good side. Don’t let the negative nincompoops prevent you from being part of a growing community.  If someone messes with you tweet me…I got your back 🙂

If you are evil and want to start bashing the heck out of my post the comment section is below.  If you have any interesting contributions I am also interested to hear your thoughts.  What have you experienced or witnessed?

7 thoughts on “Social Media Insecurities Final Chapter-Bullies”

  1. Hey Jonathan,
    Part of the issue is that everyone has an opinion, which is fine. However, many times those opinions are just that, with little to no backup of actual experience. If more folks would share about what didn’t work, forward progress would be easier and faster,

    1. I agree totally. Opinions can spur great conversation if well founded. I am actually working on a post for The Training Factor of what did not work from a SM perspective so it’s ironic that you mention that. I know you and I both have seen some posts this year that went way out of control as a result of ones who just want to rant..to me that is just a waste and it hurts others who are just starting out. I value and thank you for your thoughts. All the best to you and Kim.

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  3. Bullies beware! Great post, J. It’s easy to forget the theory of “those that can’t do, criticize”. Lead on, my friend!

    1. Tara I can’t tell you how much you have been an inspiration for me this year. All of our online chats led to a cool face to face encounter. Positive and encouraging friends like you help my little world continue to be so happy. 🙂 Thanks for taking the time to be here today.

  4. Jonathan,
    I want to thank you for expressing this so eloquently. I am not sure how I didn’t stop by here yesterday. I have not experienced this, but I have come across some posts that “seem” to be discussing the aftermath of a “bullying” encounter. When you step into the drama after the fact it is very disconcerting as everyone is offering their opinion, but no one wants to state the facts as they occurred. So, even at that point, no one can learn from the event.
    At any rate, I just try to follow the basic rule of treating others as you want to be treated. Tonight…I wish you a blessed holiday with your family and thank you for taking the time to get to know me over the past year.

    1. Sorry Judy for being late in my reply…I actually took a couple of days off from the digital world. 🙂 Thanks for your cool thoughts. That is super frustrating when there is no learning experience. Thank you so much for your well wishes. Hopefully more folks will follow your motto and not be so wrapped up in themselves. 2011 will be interesting!

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